Senses ELC Milsons Point Sydney Toddler Program: Fostering Independence and Exploration — Senses ELC


This curious, energetic and inquisitive group are undergoing a great period of cognitive, emotional and social development. They are learning to walk, talk, solve problems, relate to others and develop their independence outside the home.

Our dynamic Senses ELC Toddler educators are ready to support them on this journey, guiding them through sensory-rich experiences to develop their independence, confidence and understanding of the world around them.


Nurturing imagination and fostering creativity are vital in the Toddler age group. Toddlers use creative play to express not only their developing feelings and emotions, but also how they see the world and their unique place in it.

Dramatic play, music, dance and visual arts allow children to explore, express and communicate. In this age group, the activity is what is important, not the final result. We have also partnered with Soundplay to provide a comprehensive weekly music program aimed at promoting confidence, kindness and musicality for children of all ages.


At this age, Toddlers are rapidly developing their language and communication skills, learning that they can use their words to get attention, express their feelings and have their needs met.

Our educators encourage them to expand their vocabulary through singing, storytelling, listening and rhyme, and introduce them to early literacy concepts, such as simple sentence structures, grammar, nouns, verbs and pronouns through our 'Australian Author Spotlight' and 'Book Club' programs, as well as everyday activities and play.

The Toddler Lending Library, with a range of age appropriate books, is also available to families to continue this development at home.


Toddlers are innately curious, trying to understand and develop theories on how the world around them works.

They are learning to compare and sort, to question, observe and describe. By integrating sensory-rich and playful experiences into their daily lives, we naturally encourage Toddlers to use scientific processes while they play, create, investigate and explore –"tell me, what does it sound like, smell like, feel like, taste like?”.

We encourage Toddlers to take risks, enquire, learn and ask the big questions - we’re ready to answer them all!


Toddlers begin to learn about the world around them, to understand that they are part of a local community and what that means, through watching adults and modelling their behaviour.

It is our responsibility as educators to ensure the Toddlers in our care become sustainability advocates, by integrating experiences and topics into the daily program. Tending to the Kitchen Garden, exploration of different cultures, countries, foods and concepts of sustainability, such as exploring the benefits of re-using resources, form part of their daily learning.


Toddlers are on the move!

Every day they are exploring how their little body moves and what it is capable of. They're beginning to develop their independence, and we are ready to support them. We offer guidance on how to share, build friendships, take turns, participate in group activities and resolve conflicts through playful learning experiences.

We encourage Toddlers to learn about the importance of health and wellbeing through our Senses: Chef program, healthy hygiene practices and our integrated sports and fitness programs Senses : Sport. Our educators will also work with families to develop and continue toilet training routines, to allow children to develop their independence and become confident learners.